Thursday, July 1, 2010


Well, I only have one more week left of teaching 8th grade math at Harper Archer. It's so crazy how the time flew by even if the days seemed to last forever. We barely have any classes next week due to the holiday and testing. I just planned a closing lesson for my kids and it's pretty bitter sweet. I'm just getting to know them really well and I want to see all the growth that I know they can and will make as they start high school. But now it's time to start focusing on my elementary school placement for the next two years and investing myself in a new group of kids. On the last day that our students are required to come I am going to facilitate them discussing relentless pursuit (TFA term!) of their goals and confidence in themselves. And oh yes, it's all going to be inspired by my favorite motivational celeb: Michael Jordan. Really he is an urban school teachers DREAM. haha. This video is really inspiring to me, so I'll leave you with this.

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