Sunday, June 27, 2010

Long overdue update...

I haven't posted anything in a while because I never have any time! Institute is so busy, I barely have time to eat or sneak in a few hours of sleep each night. But this weekend I am taking a break from working because Ben came to visit! Yay!

As far as last week goes, it had some high points and some low points, but mostly low points. I'm getting into harder math concepts so my students aren't understanding as quickly, which makes my lessons run too long and we don't get everything in that we need to. I haven't been getting to their "exit ticket" which is absolutely crucial to seeing if they have mastered the objective I taught that day. The room is about 500 degrees everyday and the students are getting really sick of being there, and aren't afraid to show it. It's frustrating because I can empathize with them, but at the same time, being on the other side, I can see how important it is that we push past that they are hot and tired and work hard on the material. My more serious topic that I didn't post about before: my school has a gang problem and one of my students has a drug problem. This KILLS me. They are in the 8th grade! I have found out that gang/drug activity starts in late elementary school for a lot of these kids! They are so young, they don't realize that they are throwing away their futures, and that the life they are getting themselves into has no future. I can see right through my student though. It all stems from serious issues with insecurity. But even if it annoys the heck out of him at first I'm going to be his biggest cheerleader. He just doesn't have a choice in the matter. lol.

Last week was frustrating outside of school too. My car and my laptop decided not to work within 24 hours. During a stressful time like Institute that nonsense will send a person into nervous breakdown mode. But 3.5 hours in the shop and $180 later, my car is fixed up and my computer will turn on, but still takes about 30 minutes to load a website and freezes up alll the time. A new car is in my near future (as long as I passed my certification exam that I took last Saturday), maybe at some point I'll be able to find a deal on a laptop. Mine is too old to have serviced, which is really lame.

But this weekend has been good, and I'm going to go enjoy my Sunday before I have to get to serious work. :)

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