Thursday, June 17, 2010

What a Rollercoaster Ride!

Ok so my first few days of teaching were really great... until yesterday. I was being formally observed yesterday by my advisor. And you see, the problem is that 13 year olds are old enough to know exactly why that person is sitting at the back of the room and exactly how to push your buttons and act obnoxious just because they know you are already flustered. And oh boy they did. They saw right through what I was doing just to look good in front of my advisor and called my bluff. Little punks. Haha. I'm over it today, but my lousy observation on top of my insane workload and lack of food and sleep brought me to meltdown state last night. I finally got to sleep around 2am... until the fire alarm went off at 3:30am and we had to evacuate... and I had to wake up at 5am. But despite my exhaustion today was a better day and my kids were back to their normal attitudey, chatty, but overall well behaved selves. Thank God. I also warned them that based on my lack of sleep, I wouldn't recommend trying to test me today. haha. Well I have a more serious matter I was going to post about, but I'll save that for another time because I need to get to sleep. I have an interview fair with APS principals tomorrow! Wish me luck!

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