Friday, June 11, 2010

Two weeks down!

Well, it's the end of my second week in Atlanta! My first week of institute is finished! Woop woop! I start teaching on Monday! Ahhh! I had to sign my name Ms. Diven today.

Ok, so ADD moment done. This week was really tough, but I know it will be worth it when I get to know my kids. I got to observe their class yesterday (I'm too tired to remember if I wrote about that yesterday.) and they seem really respectful and well behaved, which was honestly a pleasant surprise. I'm really nervous and get overwhelmed a lot, but my wonderful boyfriend gave me a great perspective on it the other night. :) People that we read about in the Bible who were asked to take on great challenges questioned themselves and doubted their ability. Just like me they were like "You must be crazy, this is ridiculous, I can't do this. I'm not doing this." But eventually everyone comes around. :) What great advice! :P

But I'm soooo tired after this loooong week, so I think I'm about to pass out. I should be studying for the GACE (my certification exam) more, but I might just need to sleep.


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