Monday, July 26, 2010

Back to business....

Well I haven't posted in a while because I had two weeks off from all things Teach for America. I went home to visit family and friends in Baltimore. I bought a new car while I was home!!! SO exciting!! It's a pretty little "Radiant Red" Toyota Matrix. Four doors that actually work, a really spacious hatchback, black interior and air conditioning! Hallelujah!! I love love love it!
Besides my trip to Baltimore, I have been hauling butt trying to get moved into my new apartment. It's a nice place, I am ready to be settled in and finished up. I will try to post pictures of my new ride and my new crib when I get some decent ones.
I started a portion of Teach for America training called "Round 0" tonight. Basically I will be planning a big goal for my classroom as well as creating my unit plans and assessments for my first units. I also spoke to my principal today for the first time since our interview, which was exciting! She actually put me on speakerphone and I "met" several other important people at the school. (though I don't remember exactly who or why, haha.) I can't wait to get into my classroom!! :)

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