Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Oops, in my last post I focused on my move and totally skipped over my last day of school. It was actually pretty fun! I made a "Who Wants to be a Math-ionairre?" game that the kids got into. Seeing them enjoy it was really gratifying. We had pizza that they earned for good behavior, and just had an all-around good ending to our summer. I wrote them little cards that they seemed to really appreciate and gave them my e-mail address. I'm worried that some of the girls have anger problems that are going to land them in serious trouble one day, so I told them that if they were ever angry enough at someone that they were tempted to make some bad choices, just go somewhere where you can write me an e-mail about what's happening and let all your anger out. I've done that before and it's really therapeutic. haha. My girl student who tends to play the role of the tough, takes no crap girl teared up when she gave me a hug goodbye. That was really touching. Then I teared up, so I had to just get out of their fast because TFA has enabled me to go from normal human being to emotional wreck in about 2 seconds flat. But yeah, that was the basics of my last day, all of my students wanted to give me a hug goodbye, which meant a lot. So they did like me after all. :)

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