Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Beginning of the end...

Well, not entirely. This is the beginning of the end of Institute (me teaching summer school). This is my last week of in-the-classroom training and the last week that I'll be teaching my students at Harper Archer. But then I begin the REAL DEAL: my classroom in a school where I'll be teaching for two years. There will be a class of students who will be "Ms. Diven's class". I don't know who they are, what school they're in or even what grade they are in, but I bet they are awesome. As far as my students now, they have had some challenges this summer in meeting their growth goals, but they have all made progress in both their math skills and their levels of self-confidence, which is really inspiring. Algebra skills aren't what's going to make a difference in their lives, let's be honest. But, I'd like to think that the values that I've worked hard to expose them to in 4 short weeks will have a lasting impact. They take their big test tomorrow that determines whether they move on to the 9th grade, so I hope that I have prepared them well. I found out today when I had an almost empty classroom that literally half of my students were suspended last Friday and weren't allowed to return today for review for tomorrow's huge test. Not ideal to say the least. Not to mention, these are students who are always very well behaved and from what I hear some were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's frustrating, but that's out of my control now. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow after the test and Thursday and Friday because those will be times when we get to have some (educational) fun with the kids! I have a sweet inspirational video for them to watch and discuss tomorrow afternoon, Slope Bingo planned for Thursday and "Who Wants to be a Math-ionairre?" for Friday. Then we're finished and I get two weeks off! Woo hoo!

On a more personal life topic, I'll be visiting Baltimore in my time off! I fly home Friday the 16th with a one-way ticket because hopefully I'll be coming back to ATL with a new car! The Beretta has served me well for the last 4 years, but Atlanta is no place to gamble with whether your car is going to start. Like most things in my life right now it will be bitter sweet I'm sure. I also had to buy a new laptop because my old one decided to kick the bucket at a REALLY inconvenient time. Life is expensive, especially when you are an unpaid summer school teacher. I will be accepting donations. lol. Speaking of expensive, I move into my apartment this weekend! Woot woot!

Well, I think that's all I've got for now. More updates soon! :)

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